
Showing posts from August, 2021

'C.O.A.C.H.' – (Control, Observe, Analyze, Create, Help) Part 1

As a Life and Executive Coach myself always beyond than listening and talking, my aim is understanding what isn’t being said collect all the <dots>, connect them and create through them. A Coach in every interaction and discussion should… Control  - the situation, the relationship and the feelings of the other person (I tend - prefer not to called or define the other person as a client) Observe  – his/her body feelings, reactions, behave, tone, color, sequence of his/ her voice, the context and the content Analyze  – all the previous and the reflection in your mind and knead, through questions which arise in coach’s mind Create  – a defense an interrupt of his/her negative feelings and thoughts and direction Help  – to organize, restore, recreate motivate and to grow   ‘In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s a chance to grow.’ ...

‘A Creative Leader’

  *This article is a repost from my previous blog ABC (Art, Business, Creativity), which is due to technical reasons is no longer on operation.     How important is it for a Leader to focus on the development of his/her creative elements?  How do creativity and leadership connect to each other? How should a Leader manage himself and his team to achieve businesses goals? Creativity is characterized by the skill and the power of using the imaginative ability to produce something new, fresh, such as as services, as and products as  in a new form and is above all the source of innovation.   Creativity, according to the most important business organizations, will be in the future the most important skill – characteristic of entrepreneurship and of our everyday life.   Recently Adobe published a global research about creativity in the workplace, in the education system and our society. A research based on interviews of around 5.000 people, from USA, UK, Germ...

‘Culture and Diversity is the key for an Organizational Development - Leadership’ Part 2

  *This article is a repost from my previous blog ABC (Art, Business, Creativity), which is due to technical reasons is no longer on operation.     Leaders must know how to motivate, inspire and  embrace their people and how to guide them in their decision making and growth. I have seen leaders fail because they didn’t take the time to show people who they are… My suggestion to a leader is, letting your followers get to know you requires showcasing your strengths while also exposing vulnerabilities, people will support you, will embrace you as a person, as well (people) they can help guide you in your decision making and growth.  The most effective leaders understand that leading involves learning, and they encourage feedback from people around them to work on their weaknesses. Self-awareness, one of the key characteristics of high Emotional Intelligent, is a quality that can distinguish a good leader from a great leader. If you don’t know who you are, if you do...

'Culture and Diversity is the key for an Organizational Development’ Part 1

  *This article is a repost from my previous blog ABC (Art, Business, Creativity), which is due to technical reasons is no longer on operation.     Recently I read among other books, articles, reports etc a study by ‘MITSloan’ in collaboration with ‘Cognizant’ entitled 'The New Leadership Playbook for the Digital Age', finding several interesting facts about the present and the future in terms of the culture for an organization , agreeing with some elements and disagreeing with some others.   Through my career and involvement in personal, professional and in artistic level, I have always liked to socialize and connect with people with other interests, different knowledge, polymaths… with a variety of backgrounds.   The recent situation and events with the global pandemic, shows us how important is the personal structure and investment for each entity, for a team, as well as for the organizations that benefit from their people, must focus and develop more of inve...

'L.E.A.D.E.R. (Listening/Learning Empathize Accept/Artistic Diversity Empathy/Equality Recreate/Rewarding)'

    *This article is a repost from my previous blog ABC (Art, Business, Creativity), which is due to technical reasons is no longer on operation.     On this article about leadership I express some of my personal beliefs for the elements, reactions and habits of creative, visionaire and successful leader.

'An Artistic Trainer'

'   *This article is a repost from my previous blog ABC (Art, Business, Creativity), which is due to technical reasons is no longer on operation.     A 2016 study, shows that Organizations spent  $359 billion  globally on training.  But… 75% of  1,500 managers surveyed  from across 50 organizations were dissatisfied with their company’s Learning & Development (L&D) function; 70% of employees  report that they don’t have mastery of the skills needed to do their jobs; Only  12% of employees  apply new skills learned in L&D programs to their jobs; and Only 25% of respondents to a recent  McKinsey  survey believe that training measurably improved performance. So what (in my subjective opinion) are the elements of a good and successful trainer? How a trainer needs to function to get the best results by his/her trainees? In this article I present my personal opinion, methods and view, through the tutorial t...