'An Artistic Trainer'
*This article is a repost from my previous blog ABC (Art, Business, Creativity), which is due to technical reasons is no longer on operation.
A 2016 study, shows that Organizations spent $359 billion globally on training. But…
- 75% of 1,500 managers surveyed from across 50 organizations were dissatisfied with their company’s Learning & Development (L&D) function;
- 70% of employees report that they don’t have mastery of the skills needed to do their jobs;
- Only 12% of employees apply new skills learned in L&D programs to their jobs; and
- Only 25% of respondents to a recent McKinsey survey believe that training measurably improved performance.
In this article I present my personal opinion, methods and view, through the tutorial that I deliver in my courses and workshops in organizations and my open courses for individuals, as a Trainer and Learning and Development Specialist and always adapted trough significant scientific researches,
Companies spend a fortune on training every year and in every industry. Another study by The Conference Board of Canada estimates that more than $12 billion was spent on employee training in 2012. The question remains: If training is the answer, what does an effective training program look like?
Great trainers drive change. They introduce new techniques and elements to the training – a blended learningor virtual learning element for example.
A great trainer will feel the reward of delivering something that really adds value for the participants. Great trainers are passionate about what they do. They will always must to experiment with new ideas and activities, each time reflecting on the success and development.
I always aim to use and express my innovative methods and practices by thinking that, in order to influence and develop also an innovation way of thinking, it should be the trainer himself/herself to set a prime example in order to convey the philosophy of innovation.
In my training courses I tend to use also surreal titles and connections to inspire imagination and creativity, on how to frame and reframe ideas.
As well use context-relevant pictures, as these help people understand concepts better. Doing this in a clever learner-centered manner, one where the technology and the content have been built around proven learning methods provides an optimal learning experience, key to learning.
And connecting learning with real-world practices resonates with learners, as they are motivated and inspired by their ability to apply theory effectively in practice, even if they don’t know that is what they are actually doing. Even when teaching very complex materials this method works by giving the learner practical relevance through explanations using stories that revolve around known real-world examples (their own business, job roles, offices, etc.).
90% of info transmitted to the brain is visual
70% of our sensory receptors are in our eyes
50% of our brain is active in visual processing
40% of people respond better to visuals
Below I present my beliefs for the elements of a successful trainer.
· Good Knowledge about his/her topics
· Creative and Innovative Enough
· Balance and Equality between the Trainees
· Embrace, Inspire & Motivate
· Knows how to Observe, Accept, to Receive and to <Collect>
· Critical Thinker
· Leader
· Flexible
· Diversity and Enrichment
· Balance between IQ & EQ
· Connect and Interact
· Asking a lot of questions and motivate the participants/trainees to ask questions as well
· Cs – Collaborate, Communicate, Conciliate, Cognitively flexible
· Approachable
· Create a Constructive Dialogue
· Is a Trainer and Trainee at the same time
‘A Trainer’s job is not only to teach trainees. A Trainer’s also responsibility is to teach trainees to know how to learn, as well to give them the motivation at the same time to constantly want to learn’.
In the beginning of my training courses, I always starting by asking questions, as an example below…
What if…? (Invites imagination), What else…? (Starting asking questions over and over again) Why not…?(Starts to explore, creating and framing)
In my courses I always strive to <share > the period of time , so to make the courses more productive, to better structured in the minds of the trainees, for much longer period of time, so to become a mode of functioning and behavior, cause…
Studies also show that by using spaced repetition, we can remember about 80% of what we learn after 60 days which is a significant improvement.
A key point for the success in training sessions is to have in mind that people retain things better when they can connect a new ideas to old ones.
In my training methods I use drawing cause according to Association for Psychological Science , drawing improves memory across a variety of tasks and populations.
A good trainer should have a wide range of activities be flexible and use different learning styles to adapt in any situation. Also needs to vary the training approaches and the interaction patterns in the training room and to know how to make sure participants get the most from the training.
As well the more personalized and interactive the activities are, the more immediately transferable the results will be. A great trainer will feel the reward of delivering something that really adds value for the participants. Great trainers are passionate about what they do. They will want to experiment with new ideas and activities, each time reflecting on its success and development.
Images in training sessions
Pictures can help act as ‘anchors’ to something we have already learned / been exposed to. They aid memory recall. We know that we remember things 65% better when they are attached to pictures.
Very important is that a great trainer should have done a research and to know about, what the client does, what their challenges are, and how they expect the training will help them reach their goals.
In constantly evolving society and market with many new training trends, new technologies, and the ongoing cycle of change in business, the trainer’s ability to adapt will make him/her/the training more effective. Great trainers drive change. They must be able to introduce new techniques and elements to the training.
‘Education/training through art/creative industry also expressing that cultural and social progress is essential for economic growth’