'Lifelong learning is about motivation and passion'

People always ask me, why I continuously attend courses with different context and content, as well as by different organizations, with diverse methods and approaches. As a L&D specialist and Trainer, I should be the exact example to transfer and transmit to the trainees the philosophy and culture of continuously learning and growing. Cause… lifelong learning can help us achieve personal fulfillment and satisfaction. It recognizes that humans have a natural drive to explore, learn and grow and encourages us to improve our own quality of life and sense of self-worth by paying attention to the ideas and goals that inspire us. I can also add here that my bachelor degree on Graphic Arts Design and Communication, as well as my artistic background has helped me a lot in my professional and personal life, on how to visualize my thoughts, ideas, messages, knowledge and of course my verbal communication and interaction. “ We now accept the fact that learning is a ...